Sunday, September 29, 2013

Getting Ready For Takeoff

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Well, here we are, exactly one week from the beginning of our first post-retirement bucket list adventure. Today also happens to be the (I'll never tell which) birthday of my lovely travelling companion who has put up with me for the past 48 years and some odd days. (I'm sure she would say that they were all "odd days") but that is another story entirely.

As many of you know, I just recently retired after 50 years of full time work, so, as with most folks our age, (retired baby boomer empty nesters with newfound time on their hands), we are intent on travelling the world before Father Time catches up with us.

Our first adventure will be to Portugal and Spain, where I was lucky enough to spend several weeks on a work assignment back in the early '80s. Since we had two school-age children at the time, Carol was not able to accompany me on that trip or any of several others I was "forced" to take back then. So this is the beginning of "payback" for her, something I promised we would do after the kids were grown. We hope this will be the first of several excursions of this type, but we will have to see which gives out or the money.

 Alcazar of Segovia (Segovia Castle) at sunset.
 Picture taken by the writer, circa 1980.

Our traveling companions on this trip will be a couple of friends from Dallas (Tom and Elaine) and a couple of their friends from Mobile (Ron and Sally). We all will meet up at the Dallas/Fort Worth International Terminal for the overnight flight to Madrid and connecting flight to Lisbon where the adventure begins.

After two days touring Lisbon, we will return to Madrid to join our tour group for the remainder of the trip. This map shows details of our Spain itinerary. We will be visiting each location shown. Numbers with colored backgrounds indicate the number of overnight stays at those location

 If you chose to accompany us on this adventure, we hope you enjoy our musings.


  1. We are traveling vicariously with you! Looking forward to your posts. Warning: One trip like this will make you a travel addict, so consider yourselves fully-warned by two travel addicts. Have a wonderful, memorable trip. Jane and Olen

  2. What are you two up to now?

    Melissa B.

  3. Fun! Thanks for sharing. I've learned a few things reading about your adventures. What is the travel vest?

    -Melissa B.

  4. Love the pictures and your commentary, Garry! I'm so glad you and Carol are doing this.
